A stupendous Essay by Maksymilian Wolski "Eros, pornos and others." On the difference between disciplinary eroticism and the post-ludic pornography of liberation of the body. And it also explicates the sexlessness of "Sex and the City." In Polish.
"Pornography must in this sense become the source of understanding of the body, instead of being hermeneutics of the soul (as in contemporary "eroticism") or idolization of "organs without body" ( as in "porno"). This understanding cannot from the start assume boundaries of corporeality, nor allow subordination of the body to emotional and spiritual processes, as well as mechanisms of "identity formation" - pornography must represent sex as that which per se questions corporeality, uses, abuses and ill-uses it, as that which agitates the body without depraving it of anything; contrarily adding substance and sense to theresuch experimentally widened space of corporeality and allowing for unimaginable excesses of spiritual multiplicity and ambiguity. Thereby the body is to become the word of new spiritual constellation of fluid individualities - in the place of the word which has become the body of fixated and uniform identities." (Excerpt. Translation mine)
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