To extend Judith Butler's performativity of gender to the contemporary times, one'd have say that sexuality can be understood solely in the context of performance. Notice three modes of media-propagated sexulizations, or, to be more radical - sexuations - in the Lacanian meaning of the word as steering sexuality according to the emptying jouissance and not biology. Women are basically oversexualized as children[1-see below] and sexually CRYogenized as adults[2-see below]. Men are androgynized as children and infantilized as adults[3-see below]. Perhaps in the case of women, this is no news - women at all stages of development were treated as sexual objects (the only novelty is that grown women have gone from being artificially perfectified to simply being grotesque non-aging zombies or prematurely uglified role models - see Lady Gaga). However, I truly am devastated at how the notion of masculinity has retrograded to either patriarchal cavemen or sissy gynandromorphous abominations, not to mention that the institution of fatherhood has been debauched to the extent that neither Freud nor Nietzsche could have predicted (incest is the new word). Not that I'd vote for the propagation of 'normative' sexuality, whatever that means, but the all-out apocalypse of ANY norms and aesthetic categories has reached a level where heterosexual women might start to reconsider feminist agenda and post-civil rights movement freedoms (Yes, I sometimes miss barter sexual economics). The unforeseen peak of sexual revolutions is this - instead of gender egalitarianism, we live in an emasculated/pedophilic reality of age-based political incorrectness, and the one that is conspicuously exhibited in the sexual Grand Guignol on our screens.
[1]the popularity of teen hoes in general but especially teen hoes and their Negro pimps from Ark Music Factory - (or if you are too auricularly irritable to listen to Rebecca Black (though I'm pretty sure you already have), just see this prepubescent performance (or, since youtube finally removed this due to, I guess, paedophilically stimulating content, just enter "little girl sexy dance" on the same video hosting service - it's full of shitheaded, half-attired dancing brats)
[2]Lady Gaga and her unceasing spectacle of physical and spiritual teratology (audio-visually packed albeit symbolically empty) vs absurdly non-aging J-Lo and Katy Perry's teenage dreams, not to forget the reversely tik-toking biological and mental clock of Ke$ha in music videos where preposterously hulky male models prance on beaches/bitches or high school corridors to sensational lyricism and gaudy performance providing generated carnal fantasies for heterosexual women who neither have sex with hulky male models nor live near a beach/bitch or go to high school.
Guess which ones were "born this way".
[3] Justin Bieber, brainless gym junkies with hairless sculpted chests under half-uplifted shirts, and presumably small penises (those who have big penises get into porn business but mostly fuck other men, dispassionately, so that's somehow still within the framework of sexual apocalypse). Old slobs and underage prostitutes, the logical end to capitalist patriarchism. Filiarchy.
Now, don't get me wrong. In porn, and real-life situations which do not involve money, slavery and/or non-consenting sex I'd go for age disproportion anytime. Plus, I am in favor of all forms of pornographic expression for and with widely-understood "mature" audience, including gay porn, incest, midgets and barely legal teens (YET, as a recent excursionist in Deep Web, I'd be ..reluctant, to say the least, to include CP in this list). Where life is restrained by behavioral formulas, art is where the fantasies of transgression and defilement of beauty (if needed and always needed as Bataille claimed) can be realized. And, more universally, to paraphrase my previous post from Żuławski's bed-pot of wisdom: isn't the possiblity of innocence in life, as in mimetism, always already lost? Still, must everything be sleazily coated in money and boredom? As if everyone has lost the ability to marvel at the intimacy and pain of transgression, no matter how hard they stupefyingly salivate over their own mechanical physical reactions.
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Hank Moody, waiting for somebody to pass him his Axe clicker. |